Watching Bloomberg, said Gabby Giffords was dead and had to correct that

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We are either here: “If Trump does win, then it is due to anti-lockdown sentiments being wildly under polled.” (From my predictions)

Or here: https://chrisspangle.substack.com/p/notes-for-october-1-2020

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NYT Lisa Lerer, in Orlando, Fla. 5m ago

In national exit polls, Biden wins most voters who went third-party or didn’t vote in 2016. Had Clinton gotten those voters in key states, she might have won four years ago.

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lorida currently looks like a bit of an outlier, because Biden is running ahead of Clinton in complete counties nationwide

Here's a plot of the 100+ counties we believe are done counting votes, other than provisional ballots https://twitter.com/kabir_here/status/1323810668928245761

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"NOV. 3, 9:15 PM

One thing that makes this situation pretty hard to analyze is how much we believe in Biden’s lead in Ohio. If Trump wins Florida, Georgia and North Carolina, he’s at about a 50 percent shot to win the Electoral College, per our scenario tester. But if Biden then wins Ohio, Trump chances plummet to 1 percent."

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NOV. 3, 9:05 PM

In Ohio, Biden leads by 18 points among absentee votes and by 2 points among in-person votes. So, that sounds really good for Biden, right? Well, maybe, but we may be seeing the early in-person votes reported first, which are likely better for Biden than the ones cast on Election Day.

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NYT Annie Karni, in Washington 1m ago

Trump campaign officials are keeping an eye on R.N.C. data that suggests that the president might be under-performing in urban areas in Minnesota, a state Trump hoped to flip.

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NYT Stephanie Saul, in Atlanta 4m ago

With early, in-person tallies coming in from Atlanta, it looks like Biden is doing well in Fulton County. Clinton had 68% of the vote there. Biden is doing 10 points better.

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Reid Epstein, in Madison, Wis. 24m ago

Georgia’s Cobb County has counted about a third of its votes so far — if Biden’s lead comes close to holding, it will cement the suburban shift away from Republicans.

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NYT nnie Karni, in Washington 20m ago

Democrats are stunned to see the Texas suburb of Williamson County go blue in a presidential election. Beto O’Rourke flipped it in his losing challenge to Senator Ted Cruz

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NYT Patricia Cohen, in New York 10m ago

In Florida exit polls, 42% said they were better off today than 4 years ago. Only 20% said they were worse off. And 3 out of 4 people in that better-off group went for Trump

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One interesting question for the Indiana Gubernatorial race: How many counties will Rainwater capture second place? That is currently happening in Henry County, Indiana.

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If this is your first time watching returns, don’t get sucked in by the back and forths. Early voting changes the way any election watcher judges election night. Anything that seems a sure thing now could be totally different tomorrow. Don’t get sucked in by the drama of TV news.

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NOV. 3, 8:37 PM

With 80 percent reported, Biden is up 17 points so far in Johnson County, Kansas, a well-off suburban county to the west of Kansas City. Clinton lost it by 3 points in 2016. That would be a positive sign for Biden, since it might imply a strong performance in other Midwestern suburbs — although again, it’s hard to make too much of things unless we know the mix of early vs. Election Day votes and unless our prior reporting said to expect a red shift in Kansas.

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NYT Stephanie Saul, in Atlanta 6m ago

The early exit polling data from Georgia suggests that Trump managed to bring around 10 percent of Black voters into his column.

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NYT Elaina Plott

Elaina Plott, in Columbus, Ohio 3m ago

With the early vote in, Biden has a lead over Trump in Ohio’s Delaware County, a G.O.P. stronghold. Delaware County is heavily suburban, and no Democrat has won it since 1916.

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At 87.2% reporting, there's 0.46 points between Trump-Biden in FLA. 3rd party combined is 0.77% -- Jorgensen 0.59%, Hawkins 0.13%, De La Fuente 0.05%. - https://twitter.com/mattwelch/status/1323794130292670467?s=21

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NYT Alicia Parlapiano, in Washington 7m ago

Officials in Pennsylvania and Michigan say that counting mail ballots — and therefore most results — could take until Nov. 6.

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Not good for Trump. Exit polls were taken today when a majority of Republicans vote https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/03/fox-survey-country-wrong-direction-433972

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NOV. 3, 8:02 PM

With 24 percent of the expected vote already reporting in Ohio, per the Associated Press, Biden leads 60 percent to 39 percent … but those are all probably absentee votes, which counties were told to report by 8 p.m. The Election Day vote should trickle in over the next few hours, swinging things back toward Trump.

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Biden has 29,612 ways to win

90% of paths

173 ties

1% of paths

Trump has 2,983 ways to win

9% of paths

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'We’ve got to stop the bleeding': Democrats sound alarm in Miami - https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/29/miami-voter-turnout-democrats-433643

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Trump overperforming 10% in Broward CO FL

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Is calling a election at 7% reported typical?

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No, there is some statistical reason for it. I forget the specifics.

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Yeah that strikes me as odd for both Holcomb and Trump which I mean they’ll both probably end up winning but it still seems odd to call it this early

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The national press has not followed the Indiana Governor's race and will look at those results first because it is the first big race to judge... and they are going to lose their minds.

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I remember when libertarians were united in hating George W. Bush. And then united in hating Obama. Whatever happened in the last four years was straight-up weird.

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This is a bummer because I love exit polls. They are usually a wealth of great information. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/exit-polls-can-be-misleading-especially-this-year/

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Media for the last month: "News outlets will play this differently and not hype it up." Open to the CNN broadcast, Wolf Blitzer screams "WELCOME TO A SUSPENSFUL DRAMA PACKED NIGHT!"

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Great video by Spike and co: https://twitter.com/i/status/1323432428858388480

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Nov 3, 2020Liked by Chris Spangle

I was going to say that I thought that I recognized a Spangle on there.

BTW, someone tell his media peeps that "truth seekers" is spelled with two e's and not spelled "seakers". I don't know what a "truth seaker" is.

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Spot the Spangle

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Nov 3, 2020Liked by Chris Spangle

In Montgomery County, IN, more than 50% of registered voters did so before Election Day. Not sure what that portends here, as there aren't many local races that are competitive....which is kinda sad.

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We barely had any competitve races in Indy.

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How’s the governor race going?

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With 2 precincts reporting in, Trump currently leads Biden 16 votes to 10 votes.

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How them Indiana governor race numbers looking?

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Nov 3, 2020Liked by Chris Spangle

Long lines before polls even opened. My prediction is Trump will win Alabama.lol

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Stunning and brave lol!

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The irony vote is real. It's why Trump is President. It has the power to upend this race. https://twitter.com/BNicholsLiberty/status/1323603870094950411

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Nov 3, 2020Liked by Chris Spangle

This is why we’re fucked regardless of who wins. Those people will still be here as long as we are. As I’ve said before if you want a malignant narcissist is president just vote for Trump

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A good podcast from former POTUS campaign managers. https://www.hacksontap.com/episodes/election-day-survival-guide

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"The swing counties and Senate races we'll have our eye on as returns come in." https://sweep.thedispatch.com/p/the-sweep-your-2020-election-night

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