In the “Swamp Explained” series, Chris Spangle and Rob Quartel go in-depth on how Washington works. In this episode, we discuss the insurrection at the Capitol and Trump’s role in it, the future of the GOP, impeachment, and Inauguration Day. Click to Listen
Events at the Capitol, Questions on Anarchism from Callers
Tricia Stuart-Mann and Chris Spangle discuss the libertarian reaction to the events on the Capitol and take questions of anarchist philosophy from callers on Stereo.
The Patdown Episode 92: Missing Back Teeth
Ms. Pat is chewing, and it drives Deon Curry crazy. Ms. Pat is about to hit the welfare diet given some COVID weight. She talks about heading down to Atlanta. Would Ms. Pat go to Mars?
Now Hear This - Terry Mumford of Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis on Giving Circles
Terry Mumford, a Board Member Emerita of Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis joins us. Founded in 2006, Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis is a 501(c)(3) charitable women’s giving circle dedicated to awarding high impact grants totaling $100,000 or more to at least one nonprofit in the greater Indianapolis community in the areas of arts, culture and preservation; education; environment and animal welfare; family; and health and wellness. The organization seeks to fund critical needs, new ventures, and innovative ways to solve social problems and to create a more civil and respectful climate in our community. Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis has a minimum of 100 members, each donating $1,000 per year to fund the grants. For more information about Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis, visit or follow us on Twitter @Impact100Indy.
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